
Japanese fashion magazines

I always think Japanese fashion magazines are great.
Because they shoot so many different looks for a magazine that is published every month.  There are various kinds of fashion magazines according to fashion genres in Japan... such as.... magazines for Harajuku, GAL, mode, conservative, celebrity and so many other genres.
I don't think I've ever seen so many fashion magazines in other countries.  And foreign fashion magazines include more texts than pics of outfits.  I personally prefer Japanese way of editing magazines... because magazines are like fashion scrapbooks to me.  I don't need words to understand fashion.  Maybe foreign magazines focus more on lifestyle???  And they think fashion is just a part of it.  Maybe.

The Japanese magazine above, called "CLASSY," is for women in their late 20's to mid 30's.  The clothes that those models wearing are not expensive.  But they somehow seem reachable or affordable... because those situations and outfits in the pics look familiar and wearable in daily life in the readers' eyes.

As you may noticed already, Japanese fashion magazines put many pics to show variety of styles.  They sometimes use certain clothes and take 30 pics using those clothes, but each style is different.  This is to show readers how to style what they have in their closet for a month.  I think this attracts readers because they don't have so many clothes in their closet like magazines do...  It's quite educational but enjoyable.

I think Japanese fashion magazine companies edit magazines to make readers want to wear the clothes in their everyday lives.  Making clothes look gorgeous is definitely one of the jobs of magazine companies, but I believe making them look casual is also important in order to grab readers heart.

By the way, my dream has always been to be an editor of a fashion magazine since I saw "The Devil Wears PRADA"! It will be an "online" magazine by the time I finally get the job...!

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